Emporia Smart Energy Monitoring System Improves conversions rate in real estate by Several times. Impress site visit prospects to a Ready to Move property by showing them how a Smart Energy Monitor can save them 15-20% electricity every month.
Along with other features Emporia Energy Monitor is not just an Awesome Gadget, Its use is practical & proven.
Smart Home Market Witnessing Rapid Growth
The above surveys & articles, like many others, are buoyant on Smart Home & the fact that it helps in home sales.
However with technology rapidly changing & evolving, and with standards still to set, decision on such investments are usually deferred, specially when benefits are not clear.
Emporia Partners Real Estate Developers to implement adoption only with proven benefits, without any long term commitments.
Contact us to Discuss How Emporia Can Increase your conversion rate and Benefit you & your Home Buyer.